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IRS Forms

The Internal Revenue Service has compiled publications on nearly every tax topic that you are likely to face. 

These publications are informational booklets written by the Internal Revenue Service that give taxpayers detailed guidance on tax issues. IRS publications don’t usually provide specific, line-by-line instructions for filling out tax forms—each form has a separate set of instructions for that purpose—but they do provide answers on nearly every tax topic you’re likely to face.

IRS publication content

Some IRS publications cover a broad range of issues, while others are very tightly focused. For example, Publication 17, “Your Federal Income Tax,” is more than 200 pages long and addresses nearly all of the common questions and situations that individual taxpayers face, while Publication 1600, “Disaster Losses,” is just a two-page sheet describing IRS assistance available to victims of natural disasters.

Accessing IRS publications

All IRS publications can be downloaded online directly from the IRS website in PDF format. The IRS always has the latest version of each publication available online so there is no need to sort through various versions of the same publication.

Our table below list many of the IRS Publications that are available.


It easily read the publications you will need to have Acrobat Reader installed. You can download the free Acrobat Reader at the Adobe Web Site.

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